


A brief overview on cobrand and some troubleshooting tips.

What is a cobrand?

cobrand is a Yodlee customer. If ABC, Inc. is Yodlee customer,  then ABC, Inc. is a cobrand. Each cobrand is uniquely identified in the Yodlee system by a cobrand ID. A cobrand can buy more than one product (i.e., Web application) from Yodlee and each product is uniquely identified by an application ID.

CobrandContext is the object returned when a cobrand (i.e. customer) is authenticated by Yodlee using the appropriate cobrand credentials, cobrand ID, and application ID. TheCobrandContext object is passed as a parameter to access generic API functions (e.g., content services) from Yodlee.

Yodlee recommends using the CobrandContextSingleton pattern (where theCobrandContext is created as a singleton). The CobrandContext object is passed as a parameter to many of the APIs. Ideally only one instance of CobrandContext should be used for all the API calls. Also, if the customer chooses to use multiple threads to call Yodlee APIs, CobrandContext must be synchronized. For more information on this refer to file of the Yodlee API.


com.yodlee.sampleapps.YodleeConsole$YodleeHostname Verifier

Incorrect proxy settings cause this exception. To remedy, locate and open youryconsole.bat file and add the following parameters (with the appropriate proxy IP and port):

-Dhttp.proxyHost='proxy IP' -Dhttp.proxyPort='port'

In addition, you can check to see if there is a filter (e.g. Barracuda Web filter) that is preventing calls to Yodlee after reaching a certain threshold.