Yodlee FastLink FAQ

Yodlee FastLink - FAQ


  1. How does the FastLink wizard behaves when a refresh is initiated for an existing non-MFA account which is not in a UAR error state?
    1. When a refresh is invoked for such an account the wizard redirects to the call-back URL with a parameter “status” with “in_progress” value, indicating that the refresh has been initiated.
  2. After user finished adding accounts on FastLink, how can I check which site(s) user has added on callback?
    1. You will get memSiteAccId unique identifier associated with site added and you can use DataService.getItemSummariesForSite() to get the list of accounts added. You will also get the ItemId associated with each container added within that site.
  3. What if the user added multiple sites via FastLink since step 3 of FastLink has the functionality of adding more accounts? Are we suppose to get a list of memSiteAccId or only the last added site?
    1. It always returns the latest memSiteAccId added and doesn’t return a list. So, we suggest you to call DataService.getItemSummariesWithoutItemData before and after the FastLInk is invoked to get the list of sites added by the user.
  4. With the site-based, what is the correct way to get the status of a refresh?
    1. You will need to get the refresh status at a site level and also at the individual containers within a site. Refresh.getSiteRefreshInfo --> provides the status of error at a Site level. Refresh.getRefreshInfo1 --> This provides the status of the error at each container level.
  5. Is it possible to use a single API call to get the refresh status for all sites that belong to a user?
    1. No, we do not have a single API to get the refresh status of all sites for a user. Please use DataService.getItemSummaryWithoutItemData(UserContext ctx) to get memSiteAccId which is the unique identifier for each site added. You will need to use Refresh.getSiteRefreshInfo to obtain the refresh status.
  6. If there are two containers within a site, then is it possible that one goes success & other one fails?
    1. Yes, it is possible. For example, if user linked Bank of America (site) and it has Bank of America – Credit card and Bank of America – Banking. During the Yodlee's nightly schedule refresh or any other instant refresh, it is possible that Credit card refresh succeeded but Banking refresh failed.
  7. If one container refresh fails and another one is a success, what will be site-level refresh status be?
    1. We mark the site level refresh as SUCCESS when we have at least one successful container level refresh. This is to let the customer know that there is updated/latest account/transaction information present atleast for one account.
  8. When should we invalidate the OAUTH tokens ?
    1. It is always recommended to invalidate the Access token when it is not required. Especially, when the FastLink is not used or when the Yodlee user is logged out.
  9. Do you have the list all possible values for SiteAccountInfo.code and SiteAccountInfo.siteRefreshInfo.SuggestedFlowReason?
    1. For SiteAccountInfo.code, refer to Error Codes and for SiteAccountInfo.siteRefreshInfo.SuggestedFlowReason, the possible values are INVALID_MEMSITE_ACCOUNT_ID,ACCOUNT_IN_ERROR, MANUAL_ACCOUNT, REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS, RECENTLY_REFRESHED