Yodlee API v1.0 (Aggregation) - Error Codes


API Implementation Errors
API call implementation errors are returned in JSON format. Here is the sample error response:


    "errorCode": "Y804", 
    "errorMessage": "Permitted values of top between 1 - 500", 
    "referenceCode": "u1455707934756c4F23u" 
Attribute Description
errorCode The error code follows the format YNNN. The error codes do not change. New error codes can be added as we introduce new features and enhance functionalities.
errorMessage The descriptive message that explains the error scenario.
referenceCode Unique Yodlee identifier used to troubleshoot issues at Yodlee’s end.

Authentication Errors: Y0NN errors are authentication errors that could occur while accessing the API services.

Error Code Error Message Cause and Action
Y001 loginName and password required You have not provided the login name or password to the cobrand login or user login services. Provide the valid login name and password.
Y002 Invalid loginName/password You have provided an incorrect login name or password to the cobrand or user login services. Provide the valid login name and password. Ensure that the password value adheres to the eligibility criteria.
Y003 Account is locked, contact Yodlee Customer Services You have exceeded the allowed number of login attempts by passing an incorrect password seven consecutive times. The account is now locked. You can reset the password using update password service.
Your trial period of using Yodlee's core API services in developer portal environment has ended. Contact Yodlee Customer Services.
Y005 Suspended user The login name provided is for a suspended user. Contact Yodlee Customer Services.
Y006 Unregistered user You have provided a user session for a user who has been unregistered from the system.
Y007 Authorization header missing You must provide the required authorization header parameter while invoking the API services. Refer to the Authorization Parameter recommendations.
Y008 Invalid token in authorization header The cobSession/userSession you provided is invalid or expired. Regenerate the session token from login services.
Y009 Session tokens missing You must provide the required authorization header parameter while invoking the API services. Refer to the Authorization Parameter recommendations.
Y010 Invalid session The cobSession you provided does not belong to the cobrand.
Y011 Invalid cobrand or incorrectly configured cobrand Invalid confirgurations.
PKI is not configured properly, vendor configurations are incorrect for asset classification data. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details.
Y012 User session should not be passed You have provided userSession to an API service which accepts only cobrandSession. Refer to the Authorization Parameter recommendations.
Y013 Fields should be passed as body parameters You have provided the required fields to an API service as query parameters. Make sure that you pass them as body parameters

Validation Errors: Y8NN are syntax or functional validation errors that could occur while accessing the API services.

Error Code Error Message Cause and Action
Y800  Invalid value for {0}  Review the parameter values passed. The parameter you provided was invalid. Reasons could be incorrect data type, deleted data, etc.
  • Invalid value for Status
  • Invalid value for container
  • Invalid value for loginName
Y801 Invalid length for {0}  The length of a parameter provided was not as expected. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Invalid length for Description. Min 3 and max 200 characters are allowed.
Y802  {0} not allowed  The parameter/value you provided isn't allowed. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
categoryParam not allowed, Future fromDate not allowed.
Y803  {0} required {1}  You are missing a required parameter. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Y804  Permitted values of {0} between {1} - {2}  The parameter value you provided was not in the acceptable range. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Permitted values of top between 1 - 500.
Y805 Multiple {0} not supported  You can provide only a single value for this parameter. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Y806 Invalid Input You provided an invalid parameter name or JSON. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Y807 Resource not found  You provided a resource value which does not exist in the system.
Y808  Your password doesn't meet required criteria  The password you provided to register or update credential services does meet the required criteria.Ensure that the password value adheres to the eligibility criteria. 
Y809  Invalid date range  The date range you provided isn't valid. Make sure the To  date is greater than the From date and the range passed is within the acceptable limits.
Y810  {0} should not be same as {1}  You have passed same values to at least two API input parameters.
  • New password should not be same as old password
  • High Level categoryName should not be same as categoryName
Y811  {0} value already exists  You provided a parameter value that already exists. Ask the user to correct the value. 
Y812  Required field/value - {0} missing in the {1}   One of the mandatory parameter values is missing. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct value.
Y813 {0} should be provided The request you made cannot be executed because required information is missing from the request.
Either category or categoryId should be provided.
Y814  Exchange rate not available for currency   The exchange rate for the user's preferred currency isn't available. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details.
Y815 Cannot apply filter on {0} if {1}   The combination of query parameters you provided is in error. Review the API implementation notes to find the correct values.
Cannot apply filter on assetClassification. classificationType if assetClassification is not requested.
Y816  {0} can only be requested for {1}   The request you made is not applicable or relevant for a specific resource.
Credentials can only be requested for aggregated accounts.
Y817  Invalid JSON for {}   You have provided an invalid JSON as an input. Verify the JSON format and the field names.
Invalid JSON for transactionParam
Y819  {0} cannot be updated   The parameter or resource you are trying to update isn't supported and can't be updated.
  • accountType cannot be updated
  • account cannot be updated for this provider.
Y820  The {0} is not supported for {1} 
Note: 820 and 821 are similar type of errors with a slight variation in the error message.
The combination of request parameters you provided are not supported.
  • The Type filter is not supported for insurance accountType while retrieving transaction
  • The accountReconType field is not supported for container other than investment
  • includeInNetworth field is not supported for bill account type
  • isAsset field is not supported for bill/loan/card account type
  • dueDate/frequency is not supported for bank/investment/otherAssets/otherLiabilities.
Y821  {0} not supported
Note: 820 and 821 are similar type of errors with a slight variation in the error message.
The data you requested is not currently enabled.
Y822  {0} cannot be requested for {1} You have requested an information that is not allowed.
Credential cannot be requested for a shared providerAccount
Y823  {0} not applicable {1} You have requested an information that is not relevant.
Credentials are not applicable for real estate accounts Transaction are not applicable for bill or reward
Y824  The maximum number of {0} permitted is {1} You have provided a data that is more than the permitted length.
The maximum number of accountIds permitted is 100 The maximum number of categoryIds permitted is 100
Y825  Update not allowed {0} You have performed an operation that in not allowed.
  • Update not allowed - Data Retrieval in Progress
  • Update not allowed - Reason: REFRESHED_RECENTLY
Y826  Query parameter(s) {0} have been deprecated; support for them is only available through body parameters You have provided the deprecated query parameter input. Make sure that you pass the relevant body parameters.
Y827  {0} has been reached. Please try later The action you have performed has reached the threshold that is allowed for the day.
Maximum threshold for the day has been reached. Please try later
Y828  The provider has not yet requested the MFA information You have provided the MFA details for an add/update account process that has not yet requested the information.
Y829  {0} already in progress Add account or update account is already in progress.
Account addition/update already in progress.
Y830  {0} has to be enabled {1} The information that you are requesting cannot be provided, as the required dataset/feature is not enabled. Contact Yodlee Customer Services
Y833  Invalid value(s) {0} for {1} You have provided an invalid value for a filter.
Invalid value(s) ACCT_PROFILES for dataset$filter

Y400 Generic Error: Y400 is a generic error code that gets thrown for few functional or syntax validations that may occur while invoking the API services. If you facing this error and does not get the reason on why the error is thrown, please contact Customer Services service.

Error Code Error Message Cause and Action
Y400 {0} You have not invoked the API service per our recommendations and implementation notes. 
  Credentials have to be encrypted The PKI feature requires that you enter encrypted credentials and answers. 
  Accessibility denied The API you called is not available in a sandbox environment.
You  may be trying to register a new user on developer portal environment.

Service Errors: Y9NN series errors are service level errors.

Error Code Error Message Cause and Action
Y901  Service not supported  The service you requested isn't available to you. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details.
Y902 Oops some issue at our end  We're having technical difficulties connecting. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details. 
Y903  Connection unavailable  We're having technical difficulties connecting. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details. 
Y904  Internal exception  We're having technical difficulties. Contact Yodlee Customer Services for details. 

Y013 SAML Error: Y013 error will be thrown by SAMLRegister and SAMLLogin services. A sub error code gets additionally returned for this error code. Sub error code has a unique error message associated to it.

Error Code Sub Error Code Error Message
Y013 001 Initiation failed
Y013 002 Encoding failed
Y013 003 Decoding failed
Y013 004 Invalid SAML configuration
Y013 005 Invalid issuer
Y013 006 Invalid source
Y013 007 Invalid source id for issuer
Y013 008 Invalid artifact
Y013 009 Invalid request
Y013 010 Invalid IssueInstant
Y013 011 Expired IssueInstant
Y013 012 IssueInstant is in future
Y013 013 Invalid response
Y013 014 Mismatched source
Y013 015 Invalid source for issuer
Y013 016 Invalid profile
Y013 017 Invalid assertion
Y013 018 Invalid assertion - NotBefore in future
Y013 019 Invalid assertion - NotAfter in past
Y013 020 Invalid statement AuthenticationInstant
Y013 021 Artifact generation failure
Y013 022 Artifact decoding failure
Y013 023 Invalid assertion length
Y013 024 Invalid assertion id
Y013 025 Duplicate assertion id
Y013 026 External exception
Y013 027 Source id generation failure
Y013 028 Request generation failure 
Y013 029 Request generation XML failure
Y013 030 Request generation signature failure
Y013 031 Request verification signature failure
Y013 031 Response generation failure
Y013 032 Response generation failure - invalid SAML request
Y013 033 Response generation - XML failure
Y013 034 Response generation  - invalid recipient
Y013 035 Response generation failure - invalid issuer
Y013 036 Response generation failure - invalid source id
Y013 037 Response generation - signature failure
Y013 038 Response generation failure - invalid SAML response info
Y013 039 Response generation failure - invalid subject
Y013 040 Response generation failure - invalid lifetime
Y013 041 Response generation failure - invalid artifact
Y013 042 Response generation failure - invalid assertion
Y013 043 Response generation failure - implementation library failure
Y013 044 Response generation failure - invalid source
Y013 045 Response generation encryption failure
Y013 046 Response verification xml failure
Y013 047 Response verification failure - invalid assertion
Y013 048 Response verification failure - invalid subject
Y013 049 Response verification failure - invalid statement
Y013 050 Response verification failure - invalid statement
Y013 051 Response verification failure - invalid certificates
Y013 052 Response verification failure - invalid SAML response
Y013 053 Response verification failure - decryption failure
Y013 054 Response verification failure -  assertion verification failure, invalid certificates
Y013 055 Response verification failure - assertion verification failure, invalid assertion id
Y013 056 Response verification failure - invalid issuer
Y013 057 Response verification failure -  invalid source
Y013 058 Response verification failure -  implementation library failure
Y013 059 Response restore failure - invalid SAML response
Y013 060 Response restore failure - invalid assertion
Y013 061 Response restore failure - invalid issuer
Y013 062 Response restore failure - invalid source
Y013 063 Response restore failure - certificate retrieval failure
Y013 064 Response restore failure - invalid subject
Y013 065 Response restore failure - invalid statement
Y013 066 Response restore failure - invalid confirmation method
Y013 067 Response restore failure - implementation library failure
Y013 068 No signing key found
Y013 069 Invalid subject confirmation
Y013 070 Invalid authentication statement instant
Y013 071 Response verification failure -  invalid attributes encoding
Y013 072 Response verification failure - invalid assertion format
Y013 073 Response verification failure - assertion decryption
Y013 074 Response verification failure - invalid attributes format
Y013 075 Null SAML response
Y013 076 Failed to parse SAML XML Response
Y013 078 Failed to restore SAML response
Y013 079 SAML internal system error
Y013 080 Invalid username
Y013 081 Null user credentials
Y013 082 SSO is not enabled or initialized
Y013 083 Null SAML credentials
Y013 084 Unknown Issuer ID null in SAML Credentials
Y013 085 Null issuer ID
Y013 086 Invalid issuer ID
Y013 087 Invalid SAML response type
Y013 088 Could not locate a valid Source for issuer
Y013 089 User not registered : <userName>
Y013 090 The account for user is lock
Y013 091 Max user count
Y013 092 Invalid group name groupName
Y013 093 User Name already exists <userName>
Y013 094 userCredentials
Y013 095 samlResponse required
Y013 096 Issuer required
Y013 097 Source required
Y013 098 Failed to parse XmlStringElement type
Y013 099 Failed to parse XmlStringContent is not allowed in prolog
Y013 100 Failed to parse XmlStringXML document structures must start and end within the same entity
Y013 101 Failed to parse XmlStringA pseudo attribute name is expected
Y013 102 Failed to parse XmlStringContent is not allowed in prolog
Y013 103 Could not locate a valid Source
Y013 104 Failed to parse XmlStringThe encoding declaration is required in the text declaration
Y013 105 User does not have any associated Issuer

Add/Update Account Errors:
Technical or user input errors faced during add or update provider accounts are not API implementation errors. Hence these errors are denoted with status and additionalStatus attributes provided in the POST, PUT and GET provider account services response.

Sample response format:

 "providerAccount": {
 "id": 10487529,
 "aggregationSource": "USER",
 "refreshInfo": {
   "status": "FAILED",  
   "additionalStatus": "LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS",
   "statusCode": 402,
   "statusMessage": "INCCORRECT_CREDENTIALS",
   "lastRefreshAttempt": "2015-06-17T16:46:32Z"
Attribute Description
status FAILED value for this attribute indicates that the process has failed completely.
additionalStatus Level of failure that has occurred, for example, login failed.
statusCode Reason for the failure can be known from this attribute; e.g. login failed due to incorrect credentials.
statusMessage Message that corresponds to the status code.

Learn more about different statuses, additional statuses and failure reasons from the provider account data model page.