The event DATA_UPDATES refers to the data updates that happen during the following actions:

  1. Add Provider Account through API or Add Account through FastLink
  2. Update/Refresh Provider Account through API or Edit credentials through FastLink, or refresh account through FastLink or refreshing the account through application
  3. Delete Provider Account through API or application
  4. Update Aggregated Account through API or application
  5. Delete Aggregated Account through API or application
  6. Update Aggregated Transaction through API or application
  7. Cache/Auto Refreshes
  8. Reconciliation Process

Event Payload Information

  "event": {
    "data": {
      "userCount": 1,
      "fromDate": "01-11-2017T10:18:44",
      "toDate": "01-11-2017T11:18:43",
      "userData": [
          "user": {
            "loginName": "YSL1484052178554"
          "links": [
              "methodType": "GET",
              "rel": "getUserData",
              "href": "userData?fromDate=01-11-2017T10:18:44&toDate=01-11-2017T11:18:43&loginName=YSL1484052178554"
Event Attributes Name Details
info The info attribute value will be DATA_UPDATES.USER_DATA for the data updates event.
data The data node is the payload the customer receives and is used by the developer to take relevant actions. The data attribute varies from event to event.
userCount The count of users for whom the data has changed
fromDate The dateTime from when the notification is generated
toDate The dateTime till when the notification is generated
userData The userData node contains the user and the link information
user The user node is an entity that contains information about the users.
loginName The loginName of the user for whom the data is changed.
links The links node is an entity that contains link related information
methodType The type of the method using which the service has to be invoked
rel The relationship detail of the service to be invoked
href The URL to be appended to the base URL to invoke the related service.


  • The data updates event notification will be sent every hour with the details of the user whose data has been updated.
  • The data updates event will be sent only if there are updates to the data.
  • Once the notification is received, customers are expected to invoke get user data service using the information provided in the notification