Data Access and FastLink – New Features/Enhancements
Open Banking Updates
Open Banking (OB) is a new regulatory framework in the EU and the UK that requires banks to provide APIs allowing bank customers to share their data with third party financial services. The consents and institutions services are solely for OB, and are only available in the UK.
Miscellaneous Changes in FastLink
- Challenge Deposit Verification (CDV) enhancement: To start CDV when the user has not selected a provider, FastLink issues this prompt: To manually verify an account, enter your account details. The process takes 2-4 days to complete.
This message replaces the existing message asking only for the account number: To manually verify this account, enter your account number. The process takes 2-4 days to complete.
- Terms and Conditions changes: Terms and Conditions (T&C) on the login screen were displayed only once; now it is made to honor a key that allows to always display T&C.
Matching Service FastLink 3.0 Screen Correction
- Scenario 1: Matching service fails with the account holder name mismatch reason:
- Current message:
We could not verify any of your accounts. Contactif you have questions. You can link another account. - New message:
Your accounts couldn’t be verified. Link another account or use an alternate route for verification. Contactif you have questions.
- Current message:
- Scenario 2: The user tries again to verify the same account (using the same set of credentials) that failed verification with the account holder name mismatch.
- Current message:
Technical Error: We're having issues connecting toSite. Please save your application and come back later to try again. - New message:
The account holder name doesn’t match the account. You cannot reuse credentials. Link another account or contactfor further assistance.
- Current message: