May 2016 Release Notes

1. New Features and Enhancements Summary

  1. The following are the new services that are made available in this release:
    1. Update user details.
    2. Get transactionSummary is exposed under derived endpoint.
  2.  The user register, user login, and cobrand login services are enhanced to accept the locale value and will display category names as per the locale.
  3.  The system-defined category names in the get transaction categories, get transactions & get transaction summary services will be provided in the language with the following preferences:
    1. User login locale
    2. User register locale
    3. Cobrand login locale
    4. Cobrand default locale
  4.  If the category names are renamed by the user, the changed names will be reflected in the get transaction categories, get transactions & get transaction summary services.
  5. The update category service has been enhanced to rename the high-level categories.
  6. Category Id, high-level category ID and category source are exposed in the get transactions and get transaction summary service response. 
    1. Category name filter is deprecated in get transactions and get transactions count API. Category ID is added as a filter. 
      1. System-defined category ID should be provided in the filter as is.
      2. User- defined category ID should be provided in the filter with the prefix “U”.
  7.  High-level category ID is accepted as an input in the get transactions service.
  8. The update account service has been enhanced to update the status of the account to closed along with the existing support of active and inactive status. 
  9. The get providers service has been improved:
    1. Not to return sites which consists of containers only that are disabled for the customers and deprecated by Yodlee.
    2. To provide the country-specific popular sites for the user.
  10. To assure more security and ensure adherence to HTTP standards, enhancements have been done to accept sensitive parameters as body parameters and query parameters are deprecated in the cobrand and user endpoint APIs. 
  11. The services under the derived endpoint are enhanced to provide the summary values in the user’s preferred currency. 

  12. The get & POST provider account response is enhanced:
    1. aggregationSource field is exposed in the response
    2. actionRequired field is exposed in the response

2. New API Details

API Names


PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/user

The update user profile service API has been introduced to update the user details

GET /{cobrandName}/v1/derived/transactionSummary

The get transaction summary service has been introduced to provide the summary information of transactions grouped by category

3. Existing API Enhancement Details

Existing API Names

Enhancement Details

POST  /{cobrandName}/v1/user/register

a. Existing registerParam query parameter is deprecated and a new field userParam is accepted as a body parameter that replaces registerParam

b.Compared to registerParam, userParam accepts locale along with the other parameters supported by registerParam.

POST  /{cobrandName}/v1/user/login


  • Query parameters loginName and password are deprecated.
  • userParam JSON body parameter is accepted as an input that has the following fields:
    1. locale
    2. loginName
    3. password



POST /{cobrandName}/v1/user/credentials


  •  Query parameters loginName, oldPassword and newPassword are deprecated
  • credentialsParam JSON body parameter is accepted as an input that has the following fields:
    1. oldPassword
    2. newPassword 
    3. loginName
    4. token
POST /{cobrandName}/v1/user/samlRegister

Query parameter - samlResponse is deprecated and has been supported as body parameter

POST /{cobrandName}/v1/user/samlLogin

Query parameter - samlResponse is deprecated and has been supported as body parameter

POST /{cobrandName}/v1/cobrand/login
  • Query parameters cobrandLogin and cobrandPassword are deprecated
  • cobrandParam JSON body parameter is accepted as an input that has the following fields:
    1. cobrandLogin 
    2. cobrandPassword 
    3. locale

POST /{cobrandName}/v1/cobrand/config/notifications/events/{eventName}

PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/cobrand/config/notifications/events/{eventName}
  • Query parameter callbackUrl is deprecated
  • eventParam JSON body parameter is accepted as an input that has callbackUrl parameter. .
PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/transactions/categories

“highLevelCategoryName” has been added as an input in the JSON input parameter.

GET  /{cobrandName}/v1/transactions

The parameters added in the response are:

  1. categoryId
  2. categorySource
  3. highLevelCategoryId

The query parameters added are:

  1. highLevelCategoryId
  2. categoryId


Note: The categoryName filter is deprecated. 

GET /{cobrandName}/v1/transactions/count

The categoryName filter is deprecated and categoryId is added as a query parameter. 

GET  /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/providerAccounts GET  /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/providerAccounts/{providerAccountId}   POST /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/providerAccounts   PUT /{cobrandName}/v1/providers/providerAccounts

The parameters added in the response are:

  1. aggregationSource
  2. actionRequired


3. Bugs Fixed:

Certain non-English characters in API responses were provided as junk characters. This issue has been fixed.