Views APIs
Envestnet l Yodlee Views APIs enable your end-users to create personalized views of their finances for any expenses, hobbies, or projects relevant to them. A view is a collection of transactions based on rules - any combination of accounts, categories, merchants, locations, transaction types, and more, that are of interest to your users. Build preconfigured views and let your users further define them with a flexible user experience. With the help of a view, users can personalize their financial snapshot based on how they want to track their finances.
Track What Matters To You
No more off-the-shelf cookie-cutter applications. With views, enable your users to create a tailor-made financial tracker. Users can see the transactions based on the view rules, get personalized insights, track budgets, and more.
Hyper-Personalized Insights
Deliver personalized insights specifically for the views users have created.
Manage Budgets
Views allow visibility into spending and income and allow users to set budgets and make decisions on recurring expenses.
Key Components of Views
- View Attributes:
Attributes include basic view information such as name, description, or budget for a View (if any). - Rules:
Rules determine what is included in a view. Rules can include dates, merchant names, transaction IDs, accounts, and more. - Budget:
Set budget at various levels such as view, transaction category, detail category, and merchant. - Insights:
Envestnet | Yodlee provides dynamic insights on top of views. Traditionally, insights have only been delivered at an aggregate level (for example, across all accounts for a user). However, with insights for views, users can receive hyper-personalized insights.
Peer Benchmarking
Elevate the financial insights delivered to your users by helping them compare their spending anonymously with their peers spending. Using Yodlee's proprietary data models, views provide peer benchmarks across segmentation parameters such as income range, geolocation, homeownership, and the life stage of the user. Use peer comparison information to provide additional context to your users to help them make the right financial choices.
Benchmark user spending relative to peers
Provide users a peer comparison of their financial activities. For example, compare spending and saving patterns across categories and merchants with a peer who shares a similar income range, geolocation, homeownership, and the life stage as the user.
Influence user actions/decisions
Influence user actions by offering data relative to their peers. For example, users can adjust a budgeted amount for a category based on peer spending.
Personalize product offerings
Offer personalized products to users based on the relative spending patterns in a specific category or merchant. For example, target users with comparatively high spending on travel and offer them products like co-branded credit cards.