

Yodlee aggregation services let consumers add, edit, and delete site accounts. The API also allows for instant data refresh and checks for multifactor authentication (MFA) requirements. Before diving into the APIs and trying to develop, the following sections are useful to review:

The following are the two approaches to implement aggregation services (adding, editing, and deleting accounts):

Using Yodlee FastLink

Yodlee provides a wizard based approach to managing add/edit account flow called FastLink. FastLink replaces what was previously known as Link Account Wizard (LAW).  You can use our API calls and create your own management flow or use FastLink to manage the complex flow involved with aggregation. For more details, contact your Yodlee account rep.

Using Yodlee API

Yodlee provides several API calls that help you implement an aggregation workflow for your consumers. Yodlee encourages you to use the Fastlink Wizard; however, you are welcome to use Yodlee API and implement your own aggregation workflow to better align with the needs of your consumers.