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Yodlee API Enhancements

Pagination Support in GET-dataExtracts/userData

Pagination support is made available for the transactions entity that is provided in the dataExtracts/userData API response. The support is made available in both the Yodlee API versions 1.0 and 1.1.  By default 500 transactions will be provided in the response and if there are more transactions, a next link will be provided in the response header. Customers should use the next attribute in the link header to retrieve the next set of transactions that are available for the user till the point there is no next link in the header. 

Note:  For existing customers, the existing dataExtracts/userData payload provides a maximum payload of 5,000 transactions. Yodlee will disable the pagination feature for existing customers; Yodlee recommends that existing customers enhance their existing pagination implementation to improve efficiency.  Please contact the Yodlee Customer Care team for more details and to enable the pagination feature. 

REFRESH Webhooks Support for Yodlee FastLink 3.0 Customers

Yodlee FastLink 3.0 customers are allowed to subscribe to REFRESH webhooks. Notifications will be sent for events like login success, account summary retrieval, and process completion for the accounts that are added and updated through Yodlee FastLink 3.0. 

Note: User input required event notification will not be sent for customers adding or updating accounts through Yodlee FastLink 3.0

Number of Transactions in 1.1 API

GET /providers and GET /providers/{providerId} will return number of transaction days supported for a provider site.

Deduplication Support in GET-holdings

Deduplication support powers the platform with the intelligence to avoid creating duplicate accounts for a user when the same account is added using multiple sources (provider accounts). It creates a link between an existing account and a newly added source. When deduplication happens we will return the details of the associated provider account in the associatedProviderAccount field in the GET accounts,GET accounts/{accountId} and GET holdings

Contextual Data in Get /accounts

The get /accounts API has been enhanced to accept the request id in the input and will only return the accounts that got updated as part of the request by restricting the response to the context of the request.

New Dataset Attribute: Basic_Account_Info

We have introduced a new dataset attribute – “Basic_Account_Info” for BASIC_AGG_DATA dataset. This attribute provides details like account identifier, account type, and account balance.  This dataset is the dependent attribute for all the other attributes. This attribute will come in the response irrespective of the request dataset attributes.

Transaction Data Enrichment Enhancements

Improved Simple Description

Simple description now provides greater context into:

  • Payment-related transactions by providing payee name, and
  • The name of the merchant or transacting entity in other kinds of spend transactions. 

Detail Categories

APIs will now return a new layer of detail categories for each transaction, which are meant to provide greater context into the type of the expense or income transaction, in addition to master and high-level categories.

Yodlee API Changes


Enhancement Details

GET /providers/count

The providers/count API has been introduced to provide the count of providers retrieved in the search result. The count API does not return any response when there is no input filter or priority=COBRAND. 

GET /transactions

New response parameters: detailedCategoryId

New Input parameter: detailedCategoryId

GET /transactions/count

New Input parameter: detailedCategoryId

GET /transactions/categories

New Response Parameter: detailedCategoryId detailedCategoryName

GET /providers GET /providers/{providerId}

New Response Parameter: numberOfTransactionDays  

GET /accounts

New Input Parameter: requestId


GET /holdings

New Response Parameter: associatedProviderAccount

GET /dataExtracts/userData

New Input Parameters: skip top

Yodlee FastLink — New Features

Support for Open Banking Enabled Sites

Open Banking allows credential-less authentication to link accounts. Currently it is established only in the UK. Support for Open Banking enabled sites is available in both Yodlee FastLink 2.0 new theme aggregation and FastLink 3.0 versions. 

Consent to Share Account Data

If a consumer attempts to link a site that requires their consent to share account information with Yodlee FastLink, the consumer is asked to provide consent. The consumer must provide consent before being able to continue with the site linking flow. After confirming the intent to consent, the user will be redirected to the banking site for authentication and authorization. These pages are hosted by the financial institution (FI).

Renewal of Consent to Share Data

After successfully linking a consent-required site, a consumer will be asked to renew their consent periodically. The frequency of required renewal can be configured by the customer, which is currently set to a default of 90 days. 

Revoke Consent 

The user will also be able to revoke consent to deny access to any site. The revoke access is always at a site level, so the permission can’t be revoked for a particular account in a given site.

Consent Management Dashboard

Consent Management dashboard lets consumers view, renew, and revoke access permissions for different sites. It also helps the consumer identify the number of days left before consent expires for a given site.  

Support for FastLink Lite Version 

API customers who needs support to add Open Banking enabled sites can make use of Yodlee FastLink Lite, which will help them handle end-site redirection and URL authentication.  

Support for Manual Accounts in Yodlee FastLink 3.0

Manual accounts are accounts consumers add that are not supported by the Yodlee aggregation engine. Manual accounts give consumers the opportunity to add assets that are not available online – the value of a piece of jewelry for example.

Support for Real Estate in Yodlee FastLink 3.0

The consumer can add real estate accounts with an auto-calculated asset valuation system. This option allows the consumer to select the real estate valuation service (SmartZip) to calculate the real estate value based on the property address provided by the consumer. If there are no property details available in SmartZip for calculating the real estate value automatically, the user can manually provide the asset value to be added, which will reflect in the net worth calculations.  

Support for Matching Service in Yodlee FastLink 3.0

Yodlee FastLink 3.0 now supports matching service. The credentials provided by the consumer are used to log in to the specified financial institution's website. Pertinent information related to the consumer's accounts is retrieved from the financial institution for verification. Verification is performed by matching the account holder names found on accounts held at the financial institution and the account holder names provided by customers during user registration.  

Support for Challenge Deposit Verification in Yodlee FastLink 3.0

Challenge Deposit Verification (CDV) is provided as an option to perform account verification for consumers who are not able to verify their account instantly using a matching service. If the search for a specific site is unsuccessful in performing matching or if the verification has failed, then the consumer can try to do an account verification through the CDV process, which would take 2 to 4 days to complete.

Yodlee FastLink 3.0 User Flow Specification

The user experience or flow in Yodlee FastLink 3.0 can be defined through the configuration tool or as an additional data element through the API service call. Currently, the below flows are supported,

  • Aggregation
  • Verification
  • Aggregation plus Verification
  • Asset Transfer