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Error Handling

An error can occur due to wrong integration or any unexpected technical issue.

The errors are returned as part of the post message. Here is a sample format:

   "message":"Invalid value for providerId",
Attribute Description
code Specifies the error code.
title Specifies the error type.
message Specifies the error message.
fnToCall The method name that has to be implemented on the customer side to receive this event from FastLink.

Deep-Linking Errors

When a deep-linking error occurs, a technical error page will be displayed to the user with exit options such as a Close button and the X or close icon in the header.

Suggested action: Fix the error by passing the eligible or valid parameter value for the deep-linking flow.

  • E7XX and E8XX errors are deep-linking errors that occur when invalid parameters or values are passed while invoking the deep-linking flow.
    Code Title Message Description
    E700 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for flow An invalid flow parameter is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E701 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for providerId An invalid providerId is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E702 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for providerAccountId An invalid providerAccountId is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E703 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for accountId An invalid accountId is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E704 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for container An invalid container parameter is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E705 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for bankTransferCode An invalid bankTransferCode is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow.
    E800 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Generic Application Error We're having technical difficulties while processing the deep-link flow. Contact Yodlee Client Services for details.
    E801 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Provider not supported The parameters provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow does not support the provider in the system.
    E802 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for providerAccountId The parameters provided while invoking the FastLink deep-link flow does not support the provider account in the system.
    E803 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Operation not allowed for providerAccountId The invoked FastLink deep-link flow is not allowed for the providerAccountId.
    E804 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Invalid value for accountId An invalid value is provided while invoking the FastLink deep-linking flow.
  • The following deep-linking errors occur when an ineligible deep-linking flow is invoked:
    Code Title Message Description
    E405 PARAMETER_VALUE_INELIGIBLE Balance refresh flow is not compatible with __CONFIG_NAME__. The invoked balance refresh deep-link flow is not compatible with the configName.
  • The following deep-linking errors occur when a particular feature is not enabled:
    Code Title Message Description
    E901 PARAMETER_VALUE_INELIGIBLE Real Estate feature is not enabled The invoked add or edit real estate account flow requires the real estate feature to be enabled.
    E902 PARAMETER_VALUE_INELIGIBLE Manual Accounts feature is not enabled The invoked add or edit manual account flow requires the manual account feature to be enabled.

Flow Invocation Errors

The E6XX errors are flow invocation errors that occur when an invalid configName parameter or values is passed. A technical error page will be displayed to the user with exit options such as a Close button and the X or close icon in the header

Suggested action: Fix the error by passing the eligible or valid parameter value for the invoked flow.

Code Title Message Description
E600 INVALID_PARAMETER_OR_VALUE Null value for configName The configName parameter is not provided while invoking FastLink.
Invalid value for configName/Balance refresh flow is not compatible with __CONFIG_NAME__. An invalid configName parameter is provided while invoking FastLink or the balance refresh deep-linking flow is not compatible with the configName parameter.
E602 PARAMETER_VALUE_INELIGIBLE Provided configName is not supported in subscribed workflow. The configName parameter is not supported for the subscribed deep-linking flow.
E806 INVALID_OB_APP_NAME The specified OB application name is invalid or not registered An invalid or unregistered obAppName parameter is provided while invoking FastLink.
E807 OB_APP_NAME_MISSING The OB application name is missing The obAppName parameter is missing while invoking FastLink.

Functional Errors

The E1XX errors are functional errors that occur as a valid functional behavior, such as locale not supported, refresh not allowed, etc. A technical error page will be displayed to the user with exit options such as a Close button and the X or close icon in the header.

Suggested action: Implement the appropriate error handling process for such functional errors.

Code Title Message Description
E100 TECH_ERROR Generic Functional Error. Internal Server Error has occurred.
E101 CONFIGURATION_MISSING Mandatory configuration is missing. Mandatory configuration is missing, please publish the configuration from the Configuration tool to access FastLink.
E102 REFRESH_TOO_SOON_ERROR New refresh has been attempted very soon. Not enough time has passed since your last refresh. Please try again later.
E103 REFRESH_INPROGRESS_ERROR Account Refresh already in progress. We're currently working on refreshing your account. Please check back later.
E104 UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR Account update is currently not allowed. We can't update your account right now as we're currently refreshing your account. Please check back later.
E105 LOCALE_NOT_SUPPORTED Locale provided is not supported. The locale provided is currently not supported.

Technical Errors

The N1XX errors are technical errors that occur due to integration issues. A technical error page with the Close button will be displayed.

Suggested action: Implement the appropriate error handling process for such errors.

Code Error Type Description
N100 TECH_ERROR Internal Server Error.
N101 INVALID_COBAPP Invalid cobAppName {cobAppName}.
N102 MISMATCH_COBAPP {cobAppName} cobApp's data is invalid.
N103 INVALID_ACCESS Invalid access URL.
N104 COOKIE_DISABLED Cookie is disabled by the user or not supported in the user's browser.
N105 MEM_PREF_KEY_TAMPERED The member preference key is tampered.
N106 INVALID_APP_ACCESS Invalid application access - {appName}.appName =>fastlink

Login Errors

The N4XX errors occur during the login process due to authentication issues. A technical error page with the Close button will be displayed.

Suggested action: These errors occur due to authentication issues. Implement the appropriate error handling process for such errors.

Code Error Type Description
N400 LOGIN_ERROR {loginType} Authentication is failed.
N401 EMPTY_TOKEN {loginType} Token is mandatory.
N402 INVALID_BEARER_TOKEN Invalid {loginType} token format.
N403 INVALID_TOKEN Invalid token in the authorization header.
N404 EMPTY_SAML_ISSUER SAML Issuer ID is mandatory.
N405 EMPTY_SAML_RESPONSE SAML Source is mandatory.

Session Errors

The N5XX errors are errors such as session expired, invalid session, etc. A technical error page with the Close button will be displayed.

Suggested action: These errors occur due to session-related issues. Implement the appropriate error handling process for such errors.

Code Error Type Description
N500 SESSION_ERROR Session is invalid.
N501 STALE_SESSION Stale session is found or the token is invalid.
N502 SESSION_MISMATCH Token is mismatched.
N503 USER_SESSION_TIMED_OUT User session has timed out.
N504 YSL_SESSION_ERROR Invalid cobrand/user session.
N505 USER_LOGOUT User is logged out.

Server Errors

The N7XX errors are related to backend server connectivity. A technical error page with the Close button will be displayed.

Suggested action: These errors occur due to unexpected server issues. Implement the appropriate error handling process for such errors.

Code Error Type Description
N700 SERVER_ERROR {providerType} Server is not reachable.
N701 ECONNREFUSED {providerType} Server is inactive.
N702 ECONNRESET {providerType} Server Connection is closed due to time out or reboot.
N703 ENOTFOUND {providerType} Server is not found.
N704 ETIMEDOUT {providerType} Server Connection is timed out.
N705 ESOCKETTIMEDOUT {providerType} Server Connection has failed.
N706 YSL_SERVER_ERROR {providerType} Server Connection is unavailable due to database errors.

User Experience Errors

During the account linking process, the errors that a user may encounter are provided as follows:

Yodlee API Additional Status Error Title, Message, and UAR Button Post Message Callback
ACCOUNT_LOCKED Header: Your Account is Locked
Text: You're locked out of your account. Please visit <site_name> to fix.
Primary UAR Button(s): Go to Site
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:You're locked out of your account. Please visit <site_name> to fix.
      "reason":"You're locked out of your account. Please visit <site_name> to fix.",
ADDL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Header: Additional Information Required
Text: Your security authentication timed out or a new security authentication is required. Please try again.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:Your security authentication timed out or a new security authentication is required. Please try again.
      "reason":"Your security authentication timed out or a new security authentication is required. Please try again.",
BETA_SITE_DEV_IN_PROGRESS Header: Site Support in Process
Text: We're still in the process of building support for this site. Please try again later.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link another account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:We're still in the process of building support for this site. Please try again later.
      "reason":"We're still in the process of building support for this site. Please try again later. ",
CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_NEEDED Header: Action Required at <site_name>
Text: Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.
Primary UAR Button(s): Go to Site
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.
      "reason":"Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.",
INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS Header: Incorrect Credentials
Text: The credentials you've entered are incorrect. Verify that CAPS LOCK is not on and that the desired financial institution was selected.
Primary UAR Button(s): N/A (error Text in-line; user can click back button to select a different site)
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:The credentials you've entered are incorrect. Verify that CAPS LOCK is not on and that the desired financial institution was selected.
      "reason":"The credentials you've entered are incorrect. Verify that CAPS LOCK is not on and that the desired financial institution was selected.",
DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE Header: Data is Unavailable
Text: We're unable to find the requested account type for this site or you have closed the account.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): Visit Site
reason:We're unable to find the requested account type for this site or you have closed the account.
      "reason":"We're unable to find the requested account type for this site or you have closed the account.",
PROPERTY_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE Header: Property Value is Unavailable
Text: Please ensure the property information is correct or enter it manually.
Primary UAR Button(s): In-line: user re-enters value under "calculate automatically"
Secondary UAR Button(s): User selects "enter value manually"
N/A (This is the IN LINE error in Real Estate Screen) N/A (This is the IN LINE error in Real Estate Screen)
INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDED Header: Invalid Security Info
Text: The information you provided is incorrect. Please try again or visit <site_name> to verify your details.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again (sends user to verifying login; we re-enter username/password on user's behalf)
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:The information you provided is incorrect. Please try again or visit <site_name> to verify your details.
      "reason":"The information you provided is incorrect. Please try again or visit <site_name> to verify your details.",
REQUEST_TIME_OUT Header: Unable to Link Account
Text: We're experiencing trouble linking your account at this time. Would you like to link a different account?
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): Close
reason:We're experiencing trouble linking your account at this time. Would you like to link a different account?
      "reason":"We're experiencing trouble linking your account at this time. Would you like to link a different account?",
SITE_BLOCKING_ERROR Header: Site is Blocked
Text: We're unable to add your account because this site is blocked. Please contact <site_name>'s customer support to fix.
Primary UAR Button(s): Go to Site
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:We're unable to add your account because this site is blocked. Please contact <site_name>'s customer support to fix.
      "reason":"We're unable to add your account because this site is blocked. Please contact <site_name>'s customer support to fix.",
UNEXPECTED_SITE_ERROR Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <company name> support team if the issue persists.
      "reason":"We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <company name> support team if the issue persists.",
SITE_NOT_SUPPORTED Header: Site Not Supported
Text: We're unable to support this site.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:We're unable to support this site, but you can add your account details manually.
      "reason":"We're unable to support this site, but you can add your account details manually.",
DATASET_NOT_SUPPORTED Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
This scenario will not occur. This scenario will not occur.
SITE_UNAVAILABLE Header: Site is Down
Text: We’re unable to link your account at this time. Please try again in 4-24 hours.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again in 4-24 hours.
      "reason":"We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again in 4-24 hours.",
TECH_ERROR Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <company name> support team if the issue persists.
      "reason":"We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <company name> support team if the issue persists.",
USER_ACTION_NEEDED_AT_SITE Header: Action Required at <site_name>
Text: Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.
Primary UAR Button(s): Go to Site
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
reason:Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.
      "reason":"Please visit <site_name> to update your account information or password.",
Text: The session has ended due to security reasons or you are already logged in. Please make sure you're logged out on other devices and try again.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again (verifying stepper- using previous login credentials)
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:The session has ended due to security reasons or you are already logged in. Please make sure you're logged out on other devices and try again.
      "reason":"The session has ended due to security reasons or you are already logged in. Please make sure you're logged out on other devices and try again.",
Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
This scenario may not occur as the configName is created using the Configuration Tool. This scenario may not occur as the configName is created using the Configuration Tool.
DATA_RETRIEVAL_FAILED Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
      "providerName":"<Site Name>",
      "reason":"We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.",
PARTIAL_DATA_RETRIEVED Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <co-brand name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Try Again
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Not an error Not an error
NEW_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Header: New Authentication Required
Text: This site's method of authentication has changed. Please follow the new sign-on process.
Primary UAR Button(s): Edit Credentials -edit flow
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:This site's method of authentication has changed. Please follow the new sign-on process.
      "reason":"This site's method of authentication has changed. Please follow the new sign-on process. ",
N/A Header: Invalid Security Information
Primary UAR Button(s): Submit
Secondary UAR Button(s): Send New Code
reason:User canceled the linking process.
      "providerName":"<Site Name>",
      "reason":"User canceled the linking process.",
N/A Header: Unable to Complete Your Request
Text: You've exceeded the number of attempts allowed to enter your authentication code.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): Close
reason:You've exceeded the number of attempts allowed to enter your authentication code.
additionalStatus:EXCEEDED_INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDED providerAccountId:11919686
      "providerName":"<Site Name>",
      "reason":"You've exceeded the number of attempts allowed to enter your authentication code.",
N/A Header: Technical Error
Text: We're facing a technical issue. Please contact _COMPANY_NAME_ support team or try again later.
Primary UAR Button(s): Close
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
N/A Header: No Eligible Verification Accounts
Text: You do not have any accounts eligible for verification with this site. Verification eligibility is determined by _COMPANY_NAME_ based on the type of data available for this account.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
reason:You do not have any accounts eligible for verification with this site. Verification eligibility is determined by <Company_Name> based on the type of data available for this account.
additionalStatus:NO_ACCOUNTS_FOR_VERIFICATION providerAccountId:11391112
      "reason":"You do not have any accounts eligible for verification with this site. Verification eligibility is determined by <Company_Name> based on the type of data available for this account.",

Open Banking Errors

Errors that a user may encounter during the Open Banking FastLink flow. The following table includes information about the message shown to the user, applicable locale, and the post message information:

Yodlee API Additional Status Error Title, Message, and UAR Button Locale
Post Message
INCORRECT_OAUTH_TOKEN Header: Connection Upgrade Required
Text: The consent you provided to access account information at <site_name> has some issues. Click Update to re-authorize permissions.
Primary UAR Button(s): Update
Secondary UAR Button(s): Close
US and AU
TECH_ERROR Header: Technical Error
Text: We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <site_name> support team if the issue persists.
Primary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
   "reason":"We're unable to link your account at this time. Please try again later and contact <site_name> support team if the issue persists.",
MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS Header: Account Connection Upgrade
Text: Upgrading your account connection is taking more time than expected. Please check your account status later.
Primary UAR Button(s): Ok
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
US and AU
N/A Header: Unable to Link with Open Banking
Text: We are unable to link your account because the flow at the bank site was incomplete. Please try again later.
Primary UAR Button(s): Close
Secondary UAR Button(s): Link Another Account
   "providerName":"Commonwealth Bank",
   "reason":"We are unable to link your account because the flow at the bank site was incomplete. Please try again later.",
N/A Header: Account Connection Upgrade
Text: Upgrading your account connection seems to have a temporary issue. Please try again later.
Primary UAR Button(s): Close
Secondary UAR Button(s): N/A
US and AU
   "message":"Generic Application Error"