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Account Token

Secure transmission of sensitive bank data through tokenization.

Secure Account Data

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Verified Data, Delivered Securely

Mutual customers can use Envestnet | Yodlee Verification to instantly verify consumer bank accounts and then opt to share account details with our partners securely using our Account Token offering.

Partner with Envestnet | Yodlee to get fast and easy access to:

  • Verified bank account details required for money movement use-cases.
  • Acount holder information for KYC/KYB use-cases.
  • Real-time account balances to ensure availability of funds before initiating payments.


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Start moving money
with one of our Payment Processor partners

Use Envestnet | Yodlee account verification to increase onboarding speed while reducing the risk of fraud for you and your consumers. You can then securely share bank account data with any of our partners to initiate ACH transfers. Use Account Token to go to market faster with an Envesnet | Yodlee Payment Processor partner.

  • Share verified bank account data with partners
  • Work with multiple partners
  • No need to store sensitive user data
  • Protect consumers from the risk of data breaches



Verifying Accounts, Simplified.

Envestnet | Yodlee verification solution utilizes our proprietary and patented technology to verify consumers’ accounts almost instantly while reducing risk, transaction fraud, and consumer onboarding friction. We have perfected a simple, seamless process based on UX research and best practices.  The FastLink demo will show you the user experience of verifying accounts, while the Configuration Tool Demo will show you how you can customize FastLink to meet your requirements and match the look and feel of your application.

Fastlink Demo  Configuration Tool Demo

Regional Support

Envestnet | Yodlee has the largest supported collection of financial institutions in the industry for verified Account Tokens.

United States

Confirm account access for the ACH payment account setup by retrieving full account number, routing number, and holder name(s).


Confirm account access for EFT payments by retrieving full account number, transit number, and holder name(s).

United Kingdom

Verify account ownership and enable faster payments by retrieving full account number, SORT code, and holder name(s).


Verify account ownership and enable faster payments by retrieving the full account numbers, BSB numbers, and holder name(s).

Get Started Today

Every journey begins with a single step.
The first step in this journey is to register for a Yodlee developer account.

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