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Getting Started

Envestnet l Yodlee Views APIs enable your end-users to create personalized Views of their finances for any expenses, hobbies, or projects relevant to them. A View is a collection of transactions based on rules - any combination of accounts, categories, merchants, locations, transaction types, and more that interest your users. Build preconfigured Views and let your users further define them with a flexible user experience. With the help of a View, users can personalize their financial snapshot based on how they want to track their finances.

Begin Using Personalized Views

To work with our Personalized Views products, please reach out to our Sales team. 

Contact Sales


Account Aggregation

The primary method of using Views starts by connecting customers' accounts to provide a consolidated view of their financial portfolio. To learn more about using our Account Aggregation technology, please visit our Account Aggregation Documents.

Account Aggregation Documentation

Predicted Cash Flow

Predicted Cash Flow is required for some, but not all, Views to function.  To learn more about using our Predicted Cash Flow APIs, please visit our Predicted Cash Flow Documentation.

Predicted Cash Flow Documentation