Holdings Resource
This page refers to Yodlee API v1.0. The latest API version's data model documentation is available here.
Entity: holdings
Attribute Name | Container | Type | Description |
id | investment insurance |
long | Unique identifier for the security added in the system. This is the primary key of the holding resource. |
accountId | investment insurance |
long | Unique identifier of the account to which the security is linked. |
costBasis | investment | money | In a one-off security purchase, the cost basis is the quantity acquired multiplied by the price per unit paid plus any commission paid. In case the same position is acquired in different lots on different days at different prices, the total of the cost incurred is divided by the total units acquired to arrive at the average cost basis. |
cusipNumber | investment | string | The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) identifies most of the financial instruments in the United States and Canada. |
description | investment insurance |
string | The description (name) for the holding (E.g., Cisco Systems) For insurance containers, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. |
enrichedDescription | investment insurance |
string | The enriched description provides meaningful information about the identified security. |
holdingType | investment insurance |
string | Indicates the type of security like stocks, mutual funds, etc. The list of supported holding types are provided in GET holdings/holdingTypeList. |
price | investment insurance |
money | The current price of the security. Note: Only for bonds the price field indicates the normalized price and not the price aggregated from the site. For insurance containers, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. |
quantity | investment insurance |
decimal | The quantity held for the holding. Note: Only for bonds the quantity field indicates the normalized quantity and not the quantity aggregated from the site. The quantity field is only applicable to restricted stock units/awards, performance units, currency, and commodity. For insurance containers, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. |
isin | investment | string | The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is used worldwide to identify specific securities. It is equivalent to CUSIP for international markets. Note: The ISIN field is only applicable to the trade-related transactions |
sedol | investment | string | The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) is a set of security identifiers used in the United Kingdom and Ireland for clearing purposes. Note: The SEDOL field is only applicable to the trade-related transactions |
symbol | investment | string | The symbol of security. |
unvestedQuantity | investment | decimal | Indicates the number of unvested quantities or units. Note: The unvested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
unvestedValue | investment | money | Indicates the estimated market value of the unvested units. Note: FIs usually calculate the unvested value as the market price unvested quantity. The unvested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
value | investment insurance |
money | The total market value of the security. For insurance containers, the field is only applicable for insurance annuity and variable life insurance types. |
vestedQuantity | investment | decimal | The number of units or shares already vested on a vesting date. Note: The vested quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
vestedSharesExercisable | investment insurance |
decimal | The number of vested shares that can be exercised by the employee. It is usually equal to the vested quantity. Note: The vested shares exercisable field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
vestedValue | investment | money | Indicates the estimated market value of the vested units. Note: FIs usually calculate the vested value as the market price vested quantity. The vested value field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
vestingDate | investment | date | The date on which an RSU, RSA, or employee stock options become vested. Note: The vesting date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
contractQuantity | investment | decimal | The number of tradeable units in a contract. Note: The contract quantity field only applies to commodity and currency. |
couponRate | investment | decimal | The stated interest rate for a bond. |
currencyType | investment | string | Type of currency. |
employeeContribution | investment | money | The total amount contributed by the employee to the ESOP position. |
isShort | investment | boolean | Indicates that the holding is short trading. |
exercisedQuantity | investment | decimal | The quantity of the employee stock options already exercised or bought by the employee. Note: Once the employee stock options are exercised, they are either converted to a cash value or equity positions, depending on the FI. The exercised quantity field is only applicable to employee stock options. |
expirationDate | investment | date | The date on which an option, right, or warrant expires. Note: The expiration date field only applies to options and employee stock options. |
grantDate | investment | date | The date on which equity awards like ESOP, RSU, etc., are issued or granted. Note: The grant date field is only applicable to employee stock options, restricted stock units/awards, performance units, etc. |
interestRate | investment | decimal | The interest rate on a CD. Note: The interest rate field is only applicable to CD. |
maturityDate | investment | date | The stated maturity date of a bond or CD. |
optionType | investment | string | The type of the option position (i.e., put or call). Note: The option type field only applies to options. Valid Value: Holding Option Type
parValue | investment | money | The par value for the bond position. |
spread | investment | money | The difference between the current market value of a stock and the strike price of the employee stock option when the market value of the shares is greater than the stock price. Note: The spread field only applies to employee stock options. |
strikePrice | investment | money | The strike (exercise) price for the option position. Note: The strike price field only applies to options and employee stock options. |
term | investment | string | The fixed duration for which the bond or CD is issued. Note: The term field is only applicable to CD. |
providerAccountId | investment insurance |
long | Unique identifier for the user’s association with the provider. |
associatedProviderAccountId; | bank investment |
long[] | ProviderAccountIds that share the holding along with the primary providerAccountId. Required Feature Enablement: Deduplication |
securityType | investment insurance |
string | Indicates the security type of holding identified through the security service. |
securityStyle | investment insurance |
string | The investment approach of the security. This value is derived from various vendor security data and is essential for the fund managers to manage the assets. |
matchStatus | investment | string | Indicates the security match status id of the investment option identified during security normalization. |
accruedInterest | investment | money | The accruedInterest of the holding. |
accruedIncome | investment | money | The accruedIncome of the holding. |
assetClassification | investment | entity | Asset classification applied to the holding. |
createdDate | investment, insurance | dateTime | The date on which the holding is created in the Yodlee system. |
lastUpdated | investment, insurance | dateTime | The date when the information was last updated in the system |
Entity: assetClassification
Enums: Holding Option Type
OptionType | Description |
call | An option to buy assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date. |
put | An option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date. |