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Verified Account Resource

Request-level Data

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoint
verifiedAccountentity[]Details about the verified account.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
requestIdstringThe unique identifier for the request.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
requestDatedateTimeIndicates the date and time when the request ID is created in the system.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
state stringThe state of the verification request.
Valid Values: Verified Accounts Verification State
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
failedReasonstringThe reason for the account verification failed.
Valid Values: Verification Request Failed Reason
GET verification/verifiedAccounts

Entity: verifiedAccount

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoint
CONTAINERstringThe type of service, i.e., bank or investment.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
accountIdlongThe unique identifier for the account.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
displayedNamestringThe name or identification of the account owner as it appears at the financial institution (FI) site.
Note: The account holder’s name can be full or partial based on how it is displayed on the account summary page of the FI site. In most cases, the FI site does not display the full account holder’s name on the account summary page.
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
providerAccountIdlongThe unique identifier for the provider account.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
accountNamestringThe account name as it appears on the site.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
accountNumberstringThe account number as it appears on the site.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
providerIdstringIdentifier of the provider site. The primary key of provider resource. GET verification/verifiedAccounts
providerNamestringService provider or institution name where the account originates. This belongs to the provider resource.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
accountTypestringThe aggregated account type, such as savings, checking, etc. The account type is derived based on the attributes of the account.
Valid Values: Aggregated Account Types
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
availableBalancemoneyThe balance in the account that is available for spending. For checking accounts with overdrafts, the available balance may include an overdraft amount if the site adds an overdraft balance to the available balance.
Note: Applies only to the bank container.
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
currentBalancemoneyThe balance in the account that is available at the beginning of the business day; is equal to the account's ledger balance.
Note: Applies only to the bank container.
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
cashmoneyThe amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a brokerage or investment account.
Note: The cash balance field applies only to brokerage-related accounts.
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
balancemoneyThe total balance of all the investment accounts, as it appears on the FI site.
Note: Applies only to the investment container.
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
classificationstringThe classification of the account, such as personal, corporate, etc., as set by the system.
Valid Values: Account Classification
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
verificationStatusstringThe status of the account verification.
Valid Values: Verified Accounts Verification Status
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
failedReasonstringThe reason the account verification failed.
Valid Values: Verification Account Failed Reason
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
isSelectedbooleanIndicates if an account is selected by the user in the FastLink 4 application.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
bankTransferCodeentity[]Bank and branch identification informationGET verification/verifiedAccounts
fullAccountNumberList entityIncludes payment account number and unmasked account number. The payment account number is used for ACH or funds transfers. The unmasked account number refers to an account; it is not masked or partially displayed.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
holderentity[]Holder details of the account.GET verification/verifiedAccounts

Entity: fullAccountNumberList

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoint
paymentAccountNumberstringThe payment account number of the account used for payments in all regions. This may be looked at as an ACH account number in the US.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
unmaskedAccountNumber stringThe unmasked account number of the account is the same as the account number that is used to refer to an account and is not partial or masked. In the case of investments, it is the number used for asset transfers.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
tokenizedAccountNumberstringA Tokenized Account Number (TAN) is a secure representation of an actual account number, transformed into a unique token. If a site supports TAN, a TAN is sent instead of the full account number.GET verification/verifiedAccounts

Entity: holder

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoint
namenameName of the account holder.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
gender stringGender of the account holder.GET verification/verifiedAccounts
ownershipstringIndicates the ownership of the account.GET verification/verifiedAccounts

Entity: bankTransferCode

Attribute NameTypeDescriptionEndpoint
id stringThe financial institution's branch identification number.
Additional Details: The bank account's routing number in the United States. For non-United States accounts, it is the IFSC code (India), BSB number (Australia), and sort code (United Kingdom). 
GET verification/verifiedAccounts
typestringThe bank transfer code type varies depending on the region of the account origination.
Valid Values: Bank Transfer Code
GET verification/verifiedAccounts

Enum: Bank Transfer Code

BSBBSB is a Bank-State-Branch number used to identify the branch in Australia and is required for performing transfers. 
ROUTING_NUMBER A bank routing number or routing transit number (RTN) is a nine-digit number used in the US to identify a financial institution in a transaction. The most common transaction types where routing numbers are used are ACH and wire transfers.
IFSC FSC is the Indian Financial System Code. It is an alphanumeric code that is used to identify a particular branch in India and is required for electronic funds settlement.
SORT_CODE The sort code is a six-digit number used in the UK to identify the bank and the branch where the account is held.

Enum: Verified Accounts Verification State

COMPLETED The verification request is completed.
FAILEDThe verification request has failed.

Enum: Account Classification

Account ClassificationDescription
CORPORATEIndicates the account is a corporate account.
PERSONALIndicates the account is a personal account.
SMALL_BUSINESS Indicates the account is a small or medium business account.
TRUSTIndicates the account is a trust account.
OTHERIndicates that the account could not be classified into any other account classifications.

Enum: Verified Accounts Verification Status

Verification StatusDescription
SUCCESS The user’s account verification is successful.
FAILEDThe user’s account verification has failed.

Enum: Verification Request Failed Reason

Failed ReasonDescription
NO_ELIGIBLE_ACCOUNTSThe account verification process has failed, as no eligible accounts are available.
REQUIRED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLEThe account verification-related details are not available at the FI site.
MATCHING_FAILEDThe account verification process has failed due to the account holder’s data mismatch.
USER_INPUT_REQUIREDUser input is required for the site login. 
CREDENTIALS_UPDATE_NEEDEDLogin errors due to outdated credentials.
INCORRECT_CREDENTIALSLogin errors due to incorrect credentials. 
USER_ACTION_NEEDED_AT_SITEAll errors that need a user action at the site. Example- Accept T&C, etc.
ADDL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDAdditional MFA information is needed at the site.
INVALID_ADDL_INFO_PROVIDEDInvalid MFA information provided by the user.
ACCOUNT_LOCKEDAccount locked at the end site.
SITE_NOT_SUPPORTEDAll errors where support is not available to complete the requested action.
SITE_BLOCKING_ERRORYodlee's IP is blocked. 
TECH_ERRORTechnical error has occurred.
UNEXPECTED_SITE_ERRORAll errors related to site issues, such as the site being down for maintenance.
SITE_UNAVAILABLESite is unavailable due to issues such as the site being down for maintenance.
SITE_SESSION_INVALIDATEDErrors related to multiple sessions or sessions terminated by the site. 
REQUEST_TIME_OUTRequest has timed out.
CONSENT_EXPIREDThe site has informed us to provide user consent for aggregation. 
CONSENT_REVOKEDThe site has informed that consent is revoked by the user for aggregation.
INCORRECT_OAUTH_TOKEN The site has informed us that the tokens provided are incorrect.
CONSENT_REQUIREDThe site has informed us that user consent is required.
NEW_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDThe site has requested an OAuth authentication.

Enum: Verification Account Failed Reason

Failed ReasonDescription
REQUIRED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE The account verification-related details are not available at the FI site.
MATCHING_FAILEDThe account verification process has failed due to the account holder’s data mismatch.

Enum: Aggregated Account Types

ContainerAccount Type
Note: For the UK and Australian regions, CHECKING indicates the current account type.