Linking Accounts and Yodlee FastLink
What is Yodlee FastLink? Why do I need it?
Data aggregation by Envestnet | Yodlee requires users to provide credentials and permission to access data from their financial institutions. Yodlee FastLink is a user interface component that can be invoked by application developers to provide a step-by-step wizard-like experience. It enables users to easily search for and specify financial institutions and provide access credentials required for data aggregation (aka “account linking”); for example, username, password, answers to questions, and pin/tokens.
Can I customize Yodlee FastLink?
Yes. In addition to enabling or disabling key parts of the user onboarding flow, you can customize the look and feel (e.g., the label text and messages) to suit your business and match your branding needs. For the Configuration Tool Demo, click here.
How do webhooks fit in with linking accounts?
You can receive notifications about the status of user-initiated account aggregation/update or account credential edits through webhook notifications. Webhook notifications are not provided for automatic daily refreshes (i.e., refreshes not initiated by the user).
If a user has multiple accounts at one bank, does he/she have to enter credentials for each account they want to link?
No. The user only needs to provide credentials for the first account they link accounts from a particular financial institution. Envestnet | Yodlee then gathers all the accounts from that site. In exceptional situations, banks may use different URLs for different account types. When that is the case, the user must provide credentials more than once, as required by each account type.
If a user has already linked an account from one bank and then creates a new account with that bank, does he/she have to enter their credentials again?
No, Envestnet | Yodlee searches for new accounts periodically and adds them automatically.
What is manual account addition?
Manual account addition lets users provide accounts, balance, and asset information by manually entering it without using the Envestnet | Yodlee platform to perform aggregation on their behalf. Items that can/should be added via manual account addition include assets such as jewelry, cars, paid-off real estate, cash, accounts from non-aggregated institutions, and so on that the Envestnet | Yodlee platform cannot otherwise aggregate.